A few of the Mane Six's allies are Discord, Big McIntosh, Granny Smith, and Starlight Glimmer. They manage to earn their place in the Cutie Mark Crusaders team throughout the show. Some of them include Babs Seed and Gabby. A few episodes focus on them achieving their goal. All of them want to earn "cutie marks" and discover their unique talents. This team includes Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Princess Celestia, in particular, possesses traits of Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies. They are the highest-ranking family in Equestria. It consists of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart. Here are all My Little Pony names that belong to the recurring characters.

However, there are also a few other prominent characters. These characters are the primary six in the series, and the plot is mostly focused on them. She is shy, sweet, and symbolises kindness.Ģ0 badass female anime characters every anime fan knows and loves Image:, Facebook She loves nature and animals, which she can communicate with. This pegasus is yellow in colour and has a pink mane. However, she has a kind heart and represents generosity. Being a huge fashionista, she is often melodramatic and may seem arrogant. She is a white unicorn who has a violet mane, Rarity has one of the most beautiful My Little Pony unicorn names. She often throws parties and makes her friends feel less stressed, but also lacks confidence and has a great fear of rejection. She is the comedian in the series, as she is involved in multiple funny scenes. This character is pink with a magenta mane. She is obsessed with adventures and is very athletic, with a goal to join the Wonderbolts aerobatic team. This little horse has a blue colouring and a rainbow mane, which explains her name choice. She represents honesty and courage and is very down-to-earth compared to her friends.

Her main characteristic is "farm girl," as she works as an apple farmer and speaks with a southern accent. She is a natural leader who often resolves conflicts between her friends. She is known for her intellect, as well as her love for science and adventures. This character has a purple colour scheme with a dark-blue and pink mane. She is the central personality of the series. Here is My Little Pony names list for six most famous protagonists. They defend their magical country, Equestria, from various threats. If you are curious about the original My Little Pony names, there are six primary characters who are widely known as the "Mane Six".